Generate a JSON web token

You can include a JSON Web Token to enable communication with N-able N-central APIs using either a traditional username/password combination, a username/JSON Web Token combination, or only the JSON Web Token.

Use the web token to log in as an API-only user and access Automation Manager. The web tokens also enable you to login to N-able N-central with a Google Workspace account.

JSON web tokens are generated for a specific user, with the option to create an API-only user which is unable to login into the N-central dashboard.

You can generate the web token when adding a user or modifying an existing user.

  1. Click Administration User ManagmentUsers.
  2. Click Create User, or select the name of an existing user.
  3. Click the API Access tab.
  4. Click Generate JSON Web Token, and copy the token for login use.
  5. Click Save to exit.